Monday, April 4, 2016

These Are My People (Social LIfe)

Celebrating St. Patricks Day

        When I first came to Ireland I knew only one other person, my best friend Miranda. It was scary and exciting to think about all the people I did not know but had to live with for the next three months. I had heard stories from previous study abroad groups about how close you become with these random group of people, but what I was not prepared for is that they would be exactly right.
First day in Ireland together headed to Spiddal.
 There are 17 unique individuals on this crazy Ireland journey. We all come from different backgrounds and towns. We range from freshman in college to super seniors, 19 years old to 25 years old. If you looked at all of us on the first day in Omaha about to board the plane to now it would be an astonishing difference. The best word to describe all of friendships is family. Here in Ireland we have experienced so much together. From breakups to engagements, birthdays to hen parties, and everything in between. We are each other support systems. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with any single one of these people would be there for you. I will admit that sometimes we bicker with each other but honestly what family doesn’t. When you spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week with the same people there is bound to be arguments.

I think the most amazing thing about this group of people is how quickly we all became friends. Within two weeks we were all best buds. Chatting about our lives and our dreams. It is weird to think of a time when I did not call these crazy people my friends. This group really has become my family and my people. It is saddening to think about going home and not waking up to their faces every single morning. It is going to be a difficult transition, but I know whether it’s the cottage next to me or across the state they will be there for me. 

Jumping in front of a fountain in Barcelona.


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